Hoe zeg je “onderbouwen” in het Engels?

Als vertalers “onderbouwen” naar het Engels vertalen, dan kiezen ze vaak “underpin“. Alhoewel dit in letterlijke zin wel een vertaling is, vind ik het voor 99% van de gevallen niet passen. Mijn suggesties vind je hieronder in de tabel.

Je kunt niet zomaar wat doen. Ik wil dat je je keuze onderbouwt.You shouldn’t just do whatever. I want you to explain the reasoning behind your choice.

You shouldn’t just do whatever. I want you to justify your choice.

You shouldn’t just do whatever. I want you to explain your choice.
Die politieke partij roept vanalles, ik mis de onderbouwing.That political party has all kinds of claims, but fails to substantiate them.

That political party has all kinds of claims, but, in my opinion, fails to provide evidence.

Heb je wetenschappelijke studies die je punt onderbouwen?Do you have scientific studies that can back your point?

Do you have scientific studies that can substantiate your point?

Do you have scientific studies that you can use as evidence for your point?

Heddwen Newton is an English teacher and a translator from Dutch into English. She thinks about languages way too much, for example about how strange it is that these little blurb things are written in the third person.

Heddwen has two children, two passports, two smartphones, two arms, two legs, and two email newsletters.

English and the Dutch examines all the ways Dutch speakers interact with the English language. It has more than 1000 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.

English in Progress is about how the English language is evolving and how it is spoken around the world. It has more than 1600 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.


Disclaimer: deze site is geen woordenboek. Mijn vertalingen zijn de meningen van één mens, en mijn voorbeelden zijn zelfverzonnen. Meer weten? Kijk dan bij de veelgestelde vragen.

Bron foto: flickr.com/photos/city-amsterdam


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