Als je in het Nederlands zegt dat iets ver van je bed voelt, of een ver-van-mijn-bed-show is, dan bedoel je dat je ergens niet veel van weet, of ergens weinig belangstelling voor hebt, omdat je verwacht er zelf nooit mee te maken te krijgen.
Er is in het Engels geen standaard uitdrukking die dit gevoel weergeeft, “it is far from my bed” zullen ze niet begrijpen. Hieronder een aantal manieren om “ver van mijn bed” in het Engels uit te drukken. Geen enkele vertaling geeft het Nederlandse gevoel echt goed weer, vind ik. Daarom geef ik veel opties, dan kun je de beste kiezen.
Nederlands | Engels |
De onderwerpen op het congres waren allemaal nogal ver van mijn bed, waardoor ik het weinig interessant vond. | None of the topics at the conference were relevant to someone like me, which is why I found it uninteresting. None of the topics at the conference affect me personally, which is why I found it uninteresting. The topics at the conference were all quite irrelevant to me, which is why I found it uninteresting. The topics at the conference were all far from my concern, which is why I found it uninteresting. The topics at the conference were all far from my reality, which is why I found it uninteresting. The of the topics at the conference were aimed at a completely different audience, which is why I found it uninteresting. |
Je vindt zeespiegelstijging misschien een ver-van-mijn-bed-show, maar Nederlanders betalen er nu al flink belasting voor. | Sea level rise might seem like a remote issue to you, but it’s already costing the Dutch a significant amount in taxes. Sea level rise might seem like a distant concern, but it’s already costing the Dutch a significant amount in taxes. Sea level rise might seem like something that doesn’t affect you, but it’s already costing the Dutch a significant amount in taxes. Sea level rise might seem like a concern far removed from your reality, but it’s already costing the Dutch a significant amount in taxes. |
Weetje, het is niet dat ik onverschillig ben, het is gewoon allemaal nogal ver van mijn bed. | You know, it’s not that I’m indifferent; it’s just all quite removed from my personal life. You know, it’s not that I’m indifferent; it just all feels a bit remote to me. You know, it’s not that I’m indifferent; it’s just that none of it is relevant to my life or work. You know, it’s not that I’m indifferent; it’s just that I can’t do anything about it anyway. (let op, andere betekenis! Ik heb feedback gekregen dat sommige mensen “ver van mijn bed” op deze manier begrijpen) |
Soms denk ik eraan dat ik mijn pensioen moet regelen, maar voor nu is het gewoon nog ver van mijn bed. | Sometimes I think about sorting out my retirement plans, but for now, it just feels like it’s a long way off. (=ver weg qua tijd) Sometimes I think about sorting out my retirement plans, but for now, it’s just not a pressing issue. Sometimes I think about sorting out my retirement plans, but for now, it remains largely out of sight, out of mind. (= uit het oog, uit het hart, of in dit geval uit de gedachten; geen hele goede vertaling maar wilde hem toch even noemen) |

Heddwen Newton is an English teacher and a translator from Dutch into English. She thinks about languages way too much, for example about how strange it is that these little blurb things are written in the third person.
Heddwen has two children, two passports, two smartphones, two arms, two legs, and two email newsletters.
English and the Dutch examines all the ways Dutch speakers interact with the English language. It has almost 1200 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.
English in Progress is about how the English language is evolving and how it is spoken around the world. It has more than 1900 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.
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