“Something walks in the soup” is behoorlijk grappig in het Engels, maar helaas betekenisloos (tenzij er een vliegje in je soep rondloopt). Gelukkig zijn er in het Engels genoeg manieren om uit te drukken dat iets helemaal misgaat. De leukste Engelse uitdrukking die ongeveer hetzelfde betekent als “in de soep lopen” is “to go to hell in a handbasket“.
Nederlands | Engels |
We hadden een perfecte vakantie gepland, maar door die onverwachte staking op het vliegveld liep alles in de soep. | We had planned a perfect holiday, but that unexpected strike at the airport ruined everything. We had planned a perfect holiday, but that unexpected strike at the airport messed everything up. We had planned a perfect holiday, but because of that unexpected strike at the airport, everything went wrong. We had planned a perfect holiday, but because of that unexpected strike at the airport, everything fell apart. We had planned a perfect holiday, but that unexpected strike at the airport meant everything went to hell in a handbasket. |
Hun relatie liep in de soep nadat ze besloten hadden samen een huis te kopen. | Their relationship fell apart after they decided to buy a house together. Their relationship went downhill after they decided to buy a house together. Their relationship went south after they decided to buy a house together. Their relationship went to hell after they decided to buy a house together. Their relationship went down the toilet after they decided to buy a house together. Their relationship ended badly after they decided to buy a house together. |
Jij bent degene die dit allemaal in de soep heeft laten lopen! | You’re the one who messed things up! You’re the one who ruined everything! You’re the one who undermined everything! (= ondergraven) |
De chef wilde indruk maken met een ingewikkeld gerecht, maar het liep letterlijk en figuurlijk in de soep toen hij de bouillon liet overkoken. | The chef wanted to make an impression with a fancy dish, but it turned into a disaster when he let the broth boil over. Of iets van hierboven. Ik heb geen vertaaloplossing kunnen vinden om het “letterlijk en figuurlijk”-grapje erin te kunnen houden. Jij wel? Ik hoor het graag in de comments! |

Heddwen Newton is an English teacher and a translator from Dutch into English. She thinks about languages way too much, for example about how strange it is that these little blurb things are written in the third person.
Heddwen has two children, two passports, two smartphones, two arms, two legs, and two email newsletters.
English and the Dutch examines all the ways Dutch speakers interact with the English language. It has almost 1200 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.
English in Progress is about how the English language is evolving and how it is spoken around the world. It has more than 1900 subscribers and is growing every day. Sign up here.
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Bron foto: Navada Ra, Pexels